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Energy bill must vow to 'decarbonise' sector or face losing investment

"Tim Yeo says government must put limit on gas-fired plant use, in order to secure required £200bn investment into energy sector"


Google Maps to feature canals and rivers

"Google begins process of mapping towpaths in England and Wales, so its Maps users can plan journeys that include waterways"

Category: Transport


Rio+20 negotiators accused of strong-arm tactics

"Delegates considering blocking proposed text because of its lack of ambition and 'aggressive' tactics employed by Brazil"

Category: Climate Change


Rio+20 People's summit gathers pace

"The counter conference is designed to foster alternative ideas and provide an outlet for discontent"

Category: Climate Change


Carbon capture project is a big risk, says SSE boss

"Ian Marchant, chief executive of Scottish-based utility, says government must invest more money in CCS technology"

Displaying results 226 to 230 out of 2977